Minnesota's Premier PHP Conference

March 2-3, 2013

University of Minnesota Continuing Education Center St Paul, MN


Beyond PHP : it's not (just) about the code ! - Wim Godden
Most PHP developers focus on writing code. But creating Web applications is about much more than just wrting PHP. Take a step outside the PHP cocoon and into the big PHP ecosphere to find out how small code changes can make a world of difference on servers and network. This talk is an eye-opener for developers who spend over 80% of their time coding, debugging and testing.

Disclaimer: While we will do everything we can to ensure all sessions as described, sessions and speakers are subject to change based on speaker availability and company obligations.

made possible by

gold sponsors
Web and PHP Logo
dotCloud Logo
silver sponsors
Clockwork Logo
ESP Logo
bronze sponsors
True North PHP Conference Logo
New Relic Logo

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