Migrating a Zend Framework application to ZF 2 -
Bart McLeod
Moving from ZF 1 to ZF 2 is not like redecorating your home. It's more like rehousing an entire population. Zend Framework 2 has new cool features that constitute a brand new MVC architecture. ZF 2 allows for very flexible programming. Wouldn't it be just awesome if your ZF 1 applications would work on ZF 2, if you could migrate them? So that new features you develop can immediately benefit from this flexibility? If you have existing ZF 1 applications that you intend to continue developing on, this talk might be for you. In order to follow along, it would help if you had experimented at least a little with ZF 2, so that you have a basic idea of what it could do for you. This, however, is not an absolute requirement. Even if you haven't seen any ZF 2 code before, this talk will enlighten you on what to expect from ZF 2 and on what kind of challenges you might want to anticipate. ZF 2 is a new product. At a first glance, there are more differences with ZF 1 then there are similarities. In this presentation I will map features of typical ZF 1 MVC web applications to their counterparts in ZF 2 MVC web applications, using code examples and a demo application. At the end of the talk, you should have a clue as to where you could go with your own applications. You should be able to grasp in what way ZF 1 Model, View and Controllers relate to their equivalents in ZF 2 and how these are configured and managed using Modules, the ServiceManager and the EventManager. If time permits, you will also see the new Zend\Db and the new Zend\Form components in action.