Minnesota's Premier PHP Conference

March 15-16, 2014

University of Saint Thomas Minneapolis, MN


Fisdap is the leader in online tools for Emergency Medical Services (EMS) education. Our software is used in over 800 EMS training programs, and we are committed to providing innovative, collaborative, and quality technology solutions to healthcare educators and their students. Our suite of web-based software products help EMS education programs achieve and maintain accreditation--like an LMS, we offer tools for scheduling and tracking student internships and administering exams.

Our growing software company has been in business since 1996 yet we still have a small, start-up vibe. Culturally, we embrace Agile and our flat organization. We direct our own work, collaborate with peers and participate in
creating technology and business strategy. We also enjoy a relaxed and fun work environment, and the CEO personally exemplifies his strong belief in work/life balance.

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